Monday, January 9, 2012

Compounding the Minutes--January 8, 2012

Wow! It seems like it has been a very long time since we met as a Sunday School Class. It was good to get back in the swing of things this week. We returned to the Andy Stanley series on "TIME." The third message in the series deals with "Compoinding the Minutes." The lesson is based on the teaching in Ephesians 5:15.

Andy shares three things about time that we already know, but tend to ignore:
1) There is a cumulative value to investing small amounts of time in certain activities over a long period. Neglect is cumulative as well.
2) There is no immediate benefit to any single installment of time and no immediate consequence if we skip an installment of time.
3) There is no cumulative value to the random things we opt for over the things we know to be important.

Many of us have heard parents and grandparents refer to Ephesians 5:15 with the phrase, "Redeem your time." Andy interpets this scripture as, "Cash in your time for something of equal value." Another important concept from today's lesson is that anything that relates to your time is a spiritual matter.

Where do you need to begin making time deposits?

What is your biggest obstacle? A manifestation of God's life in you is self-control. What are you willing to do about it?

Thanks to Bo Miles for recommending a great little book that relates to this issue of time and prioritizing our activities: The Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles Hummel. It can be accessed at

Have a great week. Redeem the time!

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