Sunday, August 29, 2010

Session 9 Marriage--Part I

Welcome to our visitors this morning--Billy and Kelley Gable. The Gables have recently moved from Giddings, Texas and have two children, Tyler(7) and Amanda(5).

Today's lesson with Bill and Anabel Gillham changes the focus somewhat from our previous lessons. The focus changes somewhat from our relationship with God to our relationship with others as directed by God. As Bill asks a rhetorical question about how we are to build and maintain our relationship with our spouse, he says, "Let's turn to the manufacturer's owner's manual," as he holds up the Bible. Indeed, the Bible is the manufacturer's owner's manual for all issues and concerns. If our marriages are to be all that God intended them to be, then they must operate according to God's plan. As Bill said earlier in this series, "God's job description is that He runs things." He is the supreme authority figure and, as such, has established His plan for marriage.

Bill points out that the Bible establishes that men and women are equal with different roles assigned by God (Genesis 5:2). God made the woman and thus completed the whole man (Genesis 2:18 and Genesis 2:23).

Bill made reference in today's lesson to the world's view of marriage. He described four different world views--all of which are lacking. The world often views marriage in one of the following ways:
Casual view--no lasting commitment
Feelings view--based on current passion
Separate lives view--living like roommates
Dictatorial view--male is dominant and superior.
None of these views represent the Godly expectations for marriage.

Most of the remainder of today's lesson deals with the needs of the female and male. Spiritually, both the male and female need to know Jesus Christ. Emotionally, the husband needs praise from his wife. The wife needs tender loving care. Perceptually, the husband needs to believe that he is the head of the relatiohship. The wife needs the husband to listen to her. Physically, the husband and wife need a sexual relationship, but not surprisingly, they most often view the sexual relationship differently.

What a great lesson! I hope you will take a look at the book's parallel comments regarding this topic. Bill and Anabel suggest the following action before the next session: In the quietness of prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus on those areas where YOU can improve in your marriage. May the Lord bless your marriage and your family this week.

If you would like to study Biblical references to Bill and Anabel's teaching this week and for the next three weeks, take a look at the following scriptural references:
John 13:34
1 Cor. 7:1-6
Eph. 5: 21-33
Phil. 3: 8-10
Col. 3:18-19
1 Peter 3: 1-7

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