Sunday, April 18, 2010


APRIL 18, 2010
We were pleased to have Scott and Melissa Blair visit with us in Sunday School this morning. Please join me in praying for Scott and Melissa this week asking the Lord to show them the place of service and participation that He has for them in the coming days. If the Lord so leads, we would be thrilled to have them join our class.

Cindy and I got to see Zoe Halbert this week. She is a precious little thing and her big sisters and mom and dad seem to be doing a good job of taking care of her. Please continue to pray for Natalie and Kyle and their family as they adjust to a new member of the family---who still does not sleep in synchronization with the rest of the family!

Also, please pray for the saint whom Tracey spoke of who has served the Lord in the Music Ministry for many years--played the piano in the church where Tracey grew up and is now facing issues with her heart and coronary arteries that have closed even after stints were placed in the arteries. In addition, Craig shared a concern about one of his patients who fell and broke her back recently. She and her husband have been married for more than 60 years and he is facing the possibility that his long-time partner may not survive this injury. Please pray for them both this week.

Today, in our DVD presentation, Dr. Tackett introduced the discussion of the "Labor Sphere." He made reference to Exodus 20:9-11. Some of you have heard it called "The Sabbath Commandment." Dr. Tackett labeled it "The Labor Commandment." He talked about work and labor as something that God gave clear directions about: "Six days you shall labor and do all your work..." Dr. Tackett pointed out that "work" is an opportunity for God's people to create, to be creative, to accomplish things that make a difference for the world.

He made reference to Gutenberg's work: the invention of the printing press in 1455. This single invention, perhaps more than any other, made it possible for the word of God to be shared with the world. Prior to the printing press, the scripture had to be copied by hand, usually taking about one year to create one copy. The Bible was the first book to be printed on the Gutenberg press. In 10 years after the printing press was developed, the number of books in the world went from 50,000 to 10 million. Indeed, the work of Gutenberg made a difference in the world and contributed to God's work on earth.

Dr. Tackett also made reference to the creative work of God and a segment of the DVD showed examples of God's creative handiwork displaying mountains, forests, seas, beaches, animals, insects, flowers, trees, and stars. He also referred to our role as stewards of God's handiwork. Perhaps, this could be viewed as a scriptural basis for green practices such as recycling and conservation.

One analogy made by Dr. Tackett in today's lesson did generate some debate in our car on the way home from church. In every other lesson from The Truth Project, our discussion has been one of complete agreement with the statements and assertions made by Dr. Tackett. However, on the way home today, Cindy took issue with Dr. Tackett's analogy of the sabbath command with a child being told that he must put up his toys and quit playing with them for one day of the week. As Cindy argued, and I tend to agree, most of us are looking forward to a day of rest when it finally comes each week and we do not view the Sabbath as a time when we are forced to put up our toys, but more as a day when we are allowed to put down our tools and focus on our Lord and restoration of our minds, souls, and bodies.

Next week, we will see examples of how the labor sphere is impacted and influeced by other components of labor such as the media, art, music, and literature. I asked the class today to be especially cognizant of the influence of the media and our culture on each of us as we go through this week. In the next section of the DVD, we will actually join the camera on the streets of Time Square where we will experience the sound, lights, people, and atmosphere that is indicative of our cultural influences. Finally, next week, we will see that God sets the standard for what is good in our work, whatever that work may be. Dr. Tackett will make reference to the standard that we should all be striving toward: "for God's glory alone!" In the meantime, I trust that you will work toward that end as you labor this week. Have a great week.

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