Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 28, 2012 ENVELOPED IN CHRIST

This week, we heard Anabel encourage us to use our imaginations as we study the Bible.  Our imaginations can be useful in helping us to relate to the circumstances and events of the Bible.  If we can imagine ourselves being in the shoes of the characters we are studying, we can often have a better realization of the Bible's truth. 

Anabel asked us to imagine that the Bible is God's love letter to each and everyone of us.  Interwoven throughout the Bible is God's promise to return and His encouragement to watch for Him.  Anabel also showed a great illustration of what it means to be "enveloped" in Christ as described in John 14:20--"In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you."  Anabel's illustrations with envelopes helps us to understand this concept.  Anabel says, "You need to let go and nestle yourself into God and Jesus." 

Please continue to pray for the Lowe family this week as they continue to deal with the loss of Sheryl's sister.  Please pray for God's strength and peace in their lives and for their safety as they travel. 

REMINDER:   We have a class Potluck lunch scheduled immediately after church THIS Sunday, November 4, 2012.  Everyone is welcome.  Just bring a dish or dishes that you would like to share with the class.  Everyone will bring a dish and we will all enjoy each other's dish.  Hopefully, there will be some main courses, some side dishes, and some DESSERTS.  This is my favorite kind of luncheon.  The church will provide drinks and plasticware.  We will look forward to seeing you there.  If you are an inservice worker, please join us so we can catch up on you and your family.  Looking forward to seeing everyone.

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