Saturday, August 20, 2011

God is Our Judge: Week 3

Who would you like to serve as the judge if you were accused of some wrongdoing? What traits would you like to see in your judge? Would you want him/her to be fair and honest? You probably would prefer that the judge have integrity and would not be susceptible to bribes and outside influences that may cause him/her to judge you unfairly. Would you hope that he/she had knowledge of the law and experience in the interpretation of legal issues? In today's lesson, we consider the 17 books of Prophecy in which God declares that He is our judge.
In this section of God's Word, we see that God sends His prophets with a message for His people. The people have fallen away from God and have slid into lives of sin, violence, and bloodshed. God repeatedly sends His prophet to warn a hard-hearted people of His judgement and punishment if they continue to disobey and dishonor Him. Part of the prophetical message includes an invitation to repent and to turn away from the sin that is destroying the country. God's message continues to offer forgiveness and restoration of their relationship with Him if they will repent from their sins and turn away from their sinful lifestyles and behavior.
The books of prophecy illustrate God's faithfulness. God ALWAYS does exactly what He says he is going to do. We see examples of fulfilled prophecy in these books of the Bible and we also see examples of prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled. Either way, we can rest assured, God will fulfill prophecy just as He says He will.
The books of prophecy are a great way to introduce people to the future. God depends on His children to know the prophecy and how it impacts us today. Remember, God is a Judge. There will be justice. God's righteousness will prevail.

BACK TO SCHOOL SWIMMING PARTY: After church on Sunday, August 21, I hope you will bring lunch for your family and join us for lunch at the Emerald Forest Swimming Pool. We can eat lunch in the air conditioned comfort of the pool clubhouse. After we eat lunch, the pool will be available for kids and parents from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Bring your sunscreen, floaties, water cannons, etc. and come join the fun for one last time before beginning the school schedule this week.

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