Sunday, May 1, 2011

Guardrails: Why Can't We Be Friends?

Save Another Date
Earlier this week, I sent an e-mail message to Sunday School Members asking you to save the date, May 15, for an after-church swimming party at Emerald Forest Pool. Since that time, we have learned that several of our families have conflicts on that date. So, in order to try to find a time that will accommodate most of our schedules, we are going to see if the swimming pool folks will allow us to change the date to Sunday, June 5. If so, we will reschedule the Sunday School Social for June 5, 2011. We will let you know as soon as we find out if the pool folks will allow us to change dates. We have already paid money and we will ask them to allow us to transfer to another date without additional cost.

Today's lesson was about the influence that "friends" can have on our lives. Andy made the point that we should have guardrails in our lives that warn us about the negative or inappropriate influences of those whom we consider to be friends. Andy's scripture this week was Proverbs 13:20: "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Here are the five guardrails that Andy derived from this scripture:

Your conscience should light up when...
1. It dawns on you that your core group isn't moving in the direction you want your life to be moving. Indeed, it should concern you to the point that you do something about it before it becomes a problem...not wait until it becomes a problem.

2. You catch yourself pretending to be someone other than who you really are.
When your spouse says, "You act differently when you are around them," you should be very concerned.

3. You feel pressure to compromise. When what has never been a temptation before suddenly becomes a live option, it should scare you to death--not when you do the behavior, but when you feel the temptation.

4. You hear hourself saying, "I'll go, but I won't participate."

5. You hope the people you care about most don't find out where you've been or who you've been with.

Andy instructed us to never confuse compassion with wisdom. Compassion will never require you to make an unwise decision about yourself. When you use compassion or love as an excuse, you are lying to yourself and it is misguided compassion. There is no conflict between compassion and wisdom.

According to Andy Stanley, there is a lot of misguided compassion in our culture. The best thing you can do for a person you love is to stay on the safe side of the guardrail so you are healthy enough to help them when they crash. You become the "go to" person because you are healthy. Drawing back from that person may be the best act of friendship you ever express for that friend.

Let's face up to what we know is God's will for our life.

Prayer Request: Please pray for my Mom and Dad this week. Dad is dealing with kidney dialysis three times per week and his heart is in defibrilation with the top two chambers of his heart not functioning. He is scheduled to have a cardiac conversion this week. (Jimmy)

John Brick will be starting a trial this week that will mean long hours and stress for John and his family. Please pray for him and them this week also.

Have a great week.


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