Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Final Question

In this morning's lesson, Andy Stanley introduced us to the final question to ask when we are faced with a tough decision. As you will recall, the first question Andy taught us was to ask, "Am I being completely honest with myself?" Next, he suggested, "What story do I want to tell?" and then, last week, "Is there a tension to which I need to pay attention?"

Today, Andy talked about the Christian concept of deflecting or reflecting glory when it is presented to us. As Christians, we are not made to accept glory according to Andy. We are made to graciously recognize glory and then to pass it on to others and to our God in Heaven. Having seen him frequently in the last few weeks, we identified Coach Gary Blair as a good example of one who is able to do this well. On the other hand, those who seek to hoarde glory are often those individuals whom we identify as obnoxious or egotistical. Since our role should be one of deflection and reflection of of passing it on to others, Andy Stanley suggests that the fourth question we should be asking as we approach a major decision in our life is "Which option best honors God?" In other words, as I make this decision, which of the options that I choose will honor my God? How can I push the glory to God? Andy shared the example of Tony Dungy, the Super Bowl Winning Coach of the Indiannapolis Colts. As Tony realized that his team was about to win the Super Bowl, he realized also that, for a few brief seconds, he would be the center of attention for more than 90 million people around the world. He thought about words he could use to bring glory to God. As he responded to the commentator's questions on live television at the end of the Super Bowl, Tony found a way to give God the glory for this great success!

Andy made the point that we are not made to hoarde glory and that our glory is not something worth hoarding. We should pass it on to others, to friends and family, and most of all, we should pass it on to God. To God be the glory! Which of the options before me best honors God? Now, do you have a better idea about which solution to choose?

MORE OF ANDY STANLEY NEXT WEEK: Next week, we will begin a six week series by Andy Stanley called "Guardrails." Guardrails are all around and we seldom pay much attention to them--until someone hits one. The next series of lessons from Andy will address the guardrails we need in every area of our life. I hope you will be in Sunday School to join us as we study these Biblical truths.

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