Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Life: Session 1 Programming of the Flesh



In Session I of "The Life", Bill Gillham pointed out that there are really only two ways for Christians to walk (behave) in this world: according to the flesh, and in the spirit. He helped us to understand this key concept: "The Christian life is not difficult to live; it is impossible. Jesus Christ is the only one who has ever really lived the Christian life. He is the only one who can live it today, and that is exactly what He wants to do--through you (see John 15:5 and Galatians 2:20). Dr. Gillham pointed out these three basic points:
1. God is love. You were created by God to be loved unconditionally. Only God loves unconditionally, therefore you need God.
2. God created laws (ways) to govern the universe. All of His ways are good.
3. Each of us showed up on planet earth with the need to be loved. Instead of getting our need met God's way, we developed our own ways of getting our needs met. This is what the Bible calls "flesh." The cardinal sin of man is independence from God.

The human design includes the body, soul, and spirit (I Thess. 5:23). The Spirit is the dimension of your being through which you relate to God. At the time of your physical birth, your spirit is dead to God. This condition is inherited from Adam, the first man, and that is why you need to be "born again" (see Jn. 3:1-15).

The soul is your unique personality and is comprised from three parts: 1) the mind, 2) the emotions, 3) the will. Your body, called your "earth suit" by Dr. Gillham, houses your soul and spirit while you are on earth. It is the vehicle through which you relate to people and the environment. You are a spiritual being with a soul in a body, not a physical being with a spirit.

Both the mind and emotions are quick to respond to stimuli, but the emotions are much slower to recover. When you are chronically exposed to harmful stimuli, your emotions can become "stuck." As the brain repeatedly receives the same type of information and interacts with the mind, will, and emotions in the same ways, those programs become deeply ingrained. Bill refers to these programs as "green highways." After you are born again, these "green highways" become your unique version of the flesh. Walking in the Spirit most often requires you to choose to walk by what God's Word says rather than by what you feel. Bill's working definition of the flesh: "Your old ways which you developed through independent living."

Before we blame our parents for the way our self-perception (programming) developed, we must look to see how our parents were raised and how their parents were raised and their parents were raised, etc. If we look back far enough, we will find the enemy of God, Satan, who originally deceived Adam into thinking independence from God was a good plan. The battle we face is not against your parents or any other human being. Our battle is against the power of the enemy and his principalities (reference Eph. 6:12). One of the biggest examples of flesh is performance-based acceptance. If you perform well, I will accept you. If you don't, I won't.

Bill referred to a "Flesh Inventory" in his comments today. I shall attempt to copy the inventory below for your review.

Questions for Personal Reflection
When you were a child, what people and experiences had the most significant impact on what you believe, think, and feel? Were the messages you received generally positive or negative? Work through the following "Flesh Inventory." Ask the Holy Spirit to use this inventory to help you identify your unique version of the flesh. Check the issues that you struggle with and put a number from 1-10 beside each check--with 1 being low and 10 high--to indicate the intensity of your struggle. Is your "feeler" stuck at the top of your emotional Richter Scale? In the following sessions of The Life, you will discover how to appropriate what God has done through Christ to free you from these patterns!

____Anger ____Envy ____Indifference to others'____Overly quiet ____Self-gratification
problems (obsessions)
____Anxiety ____False Modesty _____Overly sensitive to criticism

___Argumentative____Fear____Inferiority Feelings ____Overly submissive____Self-Hatred

___Attraction to astrology___Feelings of Helplessness ___Inhibited___Passivity


____Bigotry ____Feelings of Rejection____Insecurity____Perfectionist

____Bitterness____Feelings of Stupidity____Intemperance____Prejudice____Self-pity

____Boastful____Feelings of worthlessness____Jealousy____Pride____Self-reliant


____Causing dissension____Greed____Loner____Projecting Blame____Self-sufficient

____Conceited____Guilt____Low Self-Discipline____Prone to Gossip____Selfish Ambition

____Controlled by emotions____Hatred____Low Self-worth____Quick to speak ____Sensuality

____Controlled by peer pressure____Hostility____Lust for Pleasure ____Racism____Sexual Lust

____Covetousness____Homosexual Lust____Materialistic ____Rebellion at Authority ____Slow to Forgive

____Critical tongue____Idolatry____Must strive to repay any kindness shown to you

____Resentment ____Stubborness

____Deceitfulness____If it feels good, do it ____Restlessness ____Temper

____Depression(non-organic) ____Impatience____Negativism____Sadness____Unlovely


____Drug Dependency____Impure thoughts____Occult Involvement____Self-confidence




God Bless America on this July 4! Hope to see you all at the July 4 Celebration at Church in a couple of hours! Have a great week.


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