Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stepping Stones for Others--February 7, 2010

Today, in Sunday School, we watched the second half of The Truth Project--Lesson 6--History: Whose Story? The presentation reminded us of God's directive to His people to "REMEMBER"--Memorial Stones described in Joshua 4:1-7, Tassels referenced in Numbers 15: 38-39 and Deuteronomy 22:12, and the Feasts commissioned by God--Exodus 12:24-27, Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:4-12, and finally, the admonishment in Deuteronomy 8:10-20 to "Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God."

Yet, as the DVD mentioned and we discussed in class, we are in the midst of a "Famine of Truth" in our culture and society. Rather than quote the historical writings of the Mayflower Compact with references to God and dependence on spiritual leadership, politically correct versions are often included in textbooks and in our classroom presentations across America that actually delete all references to God and to our forefather's commitment to spiritual principles. What a shame when facts that include the role God played in the lives and cultures of historic men and women are deliberately left out of modern curriculum and contemporary discussion so that those who have different beliefs and opinions will not be offended by the references to an all-powerful, all-knowing God of the Universe. We discussed the role that our legal system, the courts, the legislature, the education system, and academia have played in this "famine of truth" that has enveloped our lives.

Even so, there is still hope because we know that God is still in control. As we think about the story referenced today in the DVD presentation of Ahab and Jehosophat in 1 Kings 22: 28-34, it is easy to recognize the power of God and His sovereign rule. Even though Ahab was not dressed as a king and even though he took steps to ensure his own safety in battle, a random arrow fired into the air not only found Ahab, but also found the very small space between his armor that allowed the arrow to pierce his body and his vital organs resulting in his death just as God's prophet predicted. Yes, the sovereign hand of God was in control on that day and He is still in control today.

Dr. Tackett made reference to another common condition found among people today. He described the condition as "natural myopia." He was referring to a condition in which God's people and others lose sight of the larger story of God. He made the point that people who were caught up in the grand story of God have been willing through the years to make sacrifices and commitments that allowed them to be steppings stones to others in the performance of a great work. He used the Pilgrims as an example of a group of people who faced extreme hardship and attrition of their ranks through death. Yet, because they saw their role in history as one directed by God, they refused to give up and refused to leave the land they claimed as their new home. Dr. Tackett stated, "People who are caught up in their own little story will never be willing to lay themselves down as stepping stones for others." Lord, I pray that you will give each of us the ability to focus on your grand story and to be willing and ready to lay ourselves down as stepping stones for your great plan. Help me not to be handicapped by Jimmy Myopia and help me to recognize your plan in my life and in the lives of those around me. Finally, help me to be willing and able to do whatever you ask me to do to contribute to your plan. Help me to understand and recognize that your plan will be accomplished. As Mordecai said to Esther (Esther 4:14), "For if you remain silent at this time, relief will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish." Whether I contribute or not, the great plan of God will be accomplished. Give me the strength and courage to do my part, to accept the role you have given me, no matter how modest or how small. Let me become a stepping stone. Amen!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Today, I passed out copies of the church Sunday School Curriculum that is available to us. I asked the class to review the curriculum offerings and to provide feedback regarding the curriculum you would like to use when we finish The Truth Project. We still have some time remaining on The Truth Project. However, now is the time to begin considering our next area of study. There appeared to be some interest in the study based on the book written by Lee Strobel, "The Case for Christ." I will communicate with Karen about our interest in this study. In addition, we will be doing some research on a couple of other offerings that were mentioned by class members. If you have any preference or would like to have input on our future curriculum offerings, please send me an e-mail at or you can just make a comment in response to this blog.

NEXT SUNDAY: We will be hosting a "Diaper Shower" for Natalie and Kyle Halbert. Please bring a breakfast dish and diapers size two and up. The newest additon to the Halbert family will be arriving soon and we want to be sure they are stocked up on diapers. Kyle will be changing a lot of diapers. This event will not only give us an opportunity to support Kyle and Natalie but will also provide a rare opportunity for us to visit with each other and learn more about our families and personal lives.

NEXT UP ON THE TRUTH PROJECT: When we return to The Truth Project, probably in two weeks, we will be taking up the issue of Sociology and how it relates to God.

Thank you for your prayers for my dad and mom. I can't tell you how comforting to know that there are others praying for my family. No matter what happens, I know that God is hearing our prayers and I know that He is in control.

If I can help you in any way this week, please don't hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at the e-mail above or at home: 979-695-1684 or cell: 979-229-6606.

PRAYER REQUESTS (This is a copy of the e-mail sent out by Tracey)
Prayer Requests:

Creel- Please continue to pray for Jimmy's dad who is in the hospital and his mom who is caring for him. His dad is having to do dialysis and is in pain.

Scasta- Please continue to pray for Craig's grandmother who is getting more frail. She had another fall already but was not injured.

Endriola- Please remember Sara's friends who live in Virginia. They are having the worst winter weather in recent memory.

Please pray for the "famine of truth" occurring in our country that we learned about in class today.

Class Events:

Remember the breakfast and diaper shower honoring the Halberts next Sunday during class time. Please bring diapers in size 2 or above and maybe some donuts, but leave your porridge at home!

Have a great week!

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