Sunday, February 28, 2010

Unio Mystica: Am I Alone?--February 28, 2010

Higginbotham- Please remember the Mike Lindsey family in the loss of him this last week. He left behind a wife and 4 boys. Also pray for Steven as he has a minor heart procedure done on Thursday.

Gutierrez- Pray for Kathleen's mom as she searches for a job as it is hard to be motivated.

Please pray for the family of Jim Bob Helduser as he passed away this past week.

Please pray for the outcome of elections on Tuesday. There have been attack ads on the radio this past week against Christianity and local resident, Don McLeroy, who is running for the Texas State Board of Education. Please don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

Have a great week!


The following three paragraphs are quoted from "The Truth Project" website. They provide an excellent summary of the material which was covered during the DVD presentation in class this morning.

"In our discussion of the family, we saw that the apostle Paul likens the bond between Christ and the church to the oneness shared between husband and wife (Ephesians 5:31-32). This oneness, he concludes, is a "profound mystery" –a concept that is difficult to fully grasp. On this tour, we proceed to examine an even deeper and more mysterious aspect of this bond: namely, that it is experienced not only within marriage and the corporate context of the body of Christ, but also on an intimate, personal level by the individual believer. This, says Dr. Tackett, is the greatest of all the wonders we will contemplate during the course of our study: that the God of the universe has come to make His dwelling both with us and in us.

Dr. Tackett marshals an impressive array of scriptural passages and biblical images to illustrate both facets of this glorious truth. On the corporate side, he draws our attention to Jesus' discourse on the vine and the branches and the importance of "abiding" in Him (John 15:5); the high priestly prayer of John 17, in which Christ speaks again and again of the oneness shared between the Father, the Son, and the body of believers ("I in them and You in Me"); the several passages in which Paul emphasizes the importance of unity in the church and the mutual edification of the various members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Ephesians 2:19-22, 4:11-16; Galatians 3:28-29); and the many "one another" commandments with which Jesus and the apostles set forth their vision for our common life as Christians, including John 13:34-35, Romans 12:10, Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:16, and 1 Peter 1:22. On the personal, individual side, he cites Jesus' statement to Nicodemus about being "born again" (John 3:7); His promise of the indwelling Spirit (John 14:16-17); Paul's declaration that "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17); and the apostle's astounding claim that "Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20). In connection with this discussion, Dr. Tackett points out that we must be careful not to "blur the spheres" by applying the unique and particular social laws of one realm to another realm – for example, by assuming that we can meet our need for Christian fellowship by worshiping God individually, or that we can enter into the wonder of the UnioMystica simply by attending services at the local church.

As in all of the social spheres, there is potential here for the emergence of dysfunctions and pathologies as the effects of the Cosmic Battle make themselves felt at the very core of man's relationship with God. Interestingly enough, marital imagery arises again in this connection: the Lord warns His people many times in Scripture against the danger of "prostituting" themselves or "going a-whoring" after other gods and idols (see Deuteronomy 15:38-39). Just as spouses are to seek fulfillment of the sexual drive exclusively within the bonds of the marriage covenant, so we as believers are to confine our quest for significance to the covenant relationship with the Creator. For it is this powerful human hunger for significance, says Dr. Tackett, when directed outside of God's covenant relationships, that constitutes the single most formidable barrier to intimacy, communion, and oneness. All too often, we forsake the Lord and cut ourselves off from others in attempt to puff up our own sense of self-importance.

Points to Watch for
Especially important to the overall message of this lesson is the idea that oneness with God represents the heart of the Christian Gospel; in other words, that Christianity is not primarily a moral, philosophical, or religious system, but rather a deep, intimate, and living relationship with a personal Creator. This, to return to a point made in Lesson 4, is the essence of "eternal life" – i.e., knowing God just as intimately as Adam knew Eve. It is important to help students come to the place where they can not only begin to understand this concept rationally – something we can never fully achieve – but also feel the wonder of it in a profoundly affecting way. This is the point at which the transformational aspect of this tour will come home to participants most tellingly. Some students may also need to wrestle with the implications of Dr. Tackett's warning about the danger of 'blurring the spheres.'"

During our class discussion, we considered the "unfathomable" truth that God loves us so much as individuals that He was willing to send His own son to die a horrible death on a Roman cross and that He continues to love us enough to tolerate our weaknesses and failures and continues to forgive us and craves a close intimacy with each of His children. We also made reference to Dr. Tackett's comments to his own children in which he encouraged them to make their own petitions to God and to talk to Him personally. I mentioned that I could not ever remember encouraging my kids to do their own talking with God. We certainly read Bible stories and had discussions about scripture and Godly behavior and we prayed together, but I fear that I did not emphasize the need for them to initiate their own regular discussions with God. Yes, I encouraged our girls to turn to God in prayer when they faced challenges and obstacles, but I don't believe I did a good job of encouraging their own personal conversations on a regular basis. Hopefully, this is something they learned without my direct instruction. I hope you will consider such direct instruction with your kids this week.

We also made reference to the summary of the behaviors called for in scripture as Christians deal with others. Here are the behaviors and the corresponding scriptures as outlined in the presentation today:

Love one another 1 Peter 1:22
Bear one another's burdens Gal. 6:2
Pray for one another James 5:16
Forebear one another Eph. 4:2
Be kind to one another Eph. 4:32
Admonish one another Col. 3:16
Build one another up Rom. 14:19
Give preference to one another Rom. 12: 10
Live in harmony with one another Romans 12: 16
Encourage one another 1 Thess. 5:11
Submit to one another Eph. 5:21
Serve one another Col. 5:13
Accept one another Rom. 15:7
Be devoted to one another Rom. 12:10
Teach one another Col. 3:16
Comfort one another 1 Thess. 4:18
Forgive one another Eph. 4:32
Be of the same mind with one another Rom. 15:5
Regard one another as more important Phil. 2:3

Wow! Wouldn't the world be a better place if all Christians exhibited these behaviors in our treatment of our brothers and sisters?

Next week, we will begin to look at some of the pathologies in the church.

HAVE A GREAT WEEK and don't hesitate to call if I can help you in any way.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21--God's Divine Imprint on the Family

PRAYER REQUESTS: Please remember the following in your prayer time this week:
Craig and Tracey Scasta--out of town today
Laura Brittain--recovering from sinus surgery/Brian taking care of the boys and housekeeping
Steven Higginbotham's Uncle--liver problems
Jimmy Creel's father and mother--dad is in dialysis and facing difficulty and mom is trying to minister to him
Missionaries all over the world and especially those Christians who are trying to share the gospel in North Korea

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember, the church-wide games night is scheduled for Friday, February 26, 2010 from 6:00 p.m.--9:00 p.m. with a movie scheduled from 9:00 p.m.--10:00 p.m. Child care is available, but you do need to sign-up by tomorrow (February 22) in order to access the childcare. Several families from our class plan to participate. Please consider joining us for a fun evening!

After some technical delay this morning, we watched the second half of Lesson Seven in The Truth Project: Sociology. Dr. Tackett made reference to God's "Divine Pause" when he created woman and thus instituted the family. Dr. Tackett pointed out that God was in the midst of creation in which He identified every creation as "good" until he paused in Genesis 2:18 and declared, " is not good for man to be alone." Dr. Tackett points out that "aloneness is bad in an ethical sense because it contradicts the nature of God, who is three-in-one: God Himself exists in community and relationship; man, who is made in His image, is supposed to do the same. This concept forms the basis of a true, God-centered understanding of the social sphere. To go against God's social design is to deny His character."

During the DVD presentation this morning, interviewees were asked to define "family." It was both interesting to hear the varied definitions and to witness the pain, confusion, and emotional reactions connected with this discussion. Any discussion of family is sure to provoke strong emotional responses. However, the important point raised in this presentation was the fact that we really do not have the authority to define family according to our own preferences. To go against God's social design is to deny His character. Romans 1:20 points out that God's essential nature or character is imprinted upon the things He has made. Therefore, social institutions such as marriage and family are not just part of cultural convention. "Instead, their shape, form, and function are determined by the 'Natural Law' which is rooted in the Trinitarian nature of God."

The lesson made reference to Malachi 2:16, in which God says that He "hates divorce." According to Dr. Tackett, "Just as the unity, communion, love, and intimacy of marriage are rooted organically in the essence and character of God Himself, so the violent breaking of this bond in divorce is something more than an unfortunate blip in the lives of two individuals--it is an offense against the divine nature and the foundations upon which the entire creation is built." This reminds us that sin can be defined simply as a breakdown in relationships. Those relationships can be between God and man, man and wife, or man and his neighbor. In any of these cases, the breakdown of that relationship is sin.

During our class discussion, we noted that the high divorce rate observed in society is not significantly different when one considers the divorce rate only among born-again Christians. In other words, we are not doing a good job in the church of preserving the sacred bonds that are formed in marriage--at least we are not doing much better than our unchurched brethern in this endeavor. We also discussed the fact that the high divorce rate may be a result of our tendency to "take the easy path." In some cases, it appears to be easier to get a divorce than to work through issues, change behavior, and establish a God-centered family. Dr. Tackett pointed out that men in a Godly marriage are called on to love and honor one's wife and that women in a Godly marriage are called on to submit to one's husband and to show respect. As we seek to strengthen our own marriages and as we have opportunity to minister to those around us, our response to the attack on the marriage institution should be like God's, one of grief, compassion, and renewed willingness to reach out with the healing message of God's plan for the social order.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14--Social Structures Instituted by God

Happy Valentine Day! Today, we enjoyed a nice breakfast in honor of the upcoming addition to the family of Natalie and Kyle Halbert. Thanks to everyone who brought food and diapers. The diapers should give them a good start with their new little one.

We began considering the next topic in The Truth Project this morning. That topic is sociology. Dr. Tackett starts the discussion by consideirng the intricate design and function of a normal chicken egg and the manner in which the properties of the chicken egg and other systems of nature also reflect the properties of the social institutions that God established. Dr. Tackett made us think of the Trinity as described in the Scripture. The Trinity, as we know, represents God the Father, God the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. In nature, the chicken egg is comprised of the shell, the yolk, and the egg white (albumen). In physical science, there are three states, gas, solid, and liquid. In the family, the first social structure instituted by God, there are also three main components, the husband, the wife, and the children. Dr. Tackettt does a beautiful job of showing us the consistency of God's plan across all areas of man's observation and understanding. The more we search, the more we observe, the more we can see an amazing consistency in the complexity of God.

As we examine the family unit and consider the fact that it was the first social unity established by God, we begin to understand why the family is under such brutal attack in today's society. Satan recognizes it as part of the basic foundation of God's creation and he is doing his best to destroy families and prevent the stability, confidence, and source of strength that comes from Godly families who seek God's leadership and protection and who transmit the fear of God and dependence upon God to the generations who come after them.

We shall see more next week about the family and its role in God's plan! I hope you will join us at 9:00 a.m. for the second half of our lesson on sociology!

The church is holding a "Game Night" in the Family Life Center on February 26. It was brought to my attention this morning that several of our group already have plans to attend this activity. This could be a great opportunity for members of our class to have an opportunity to visit and enjoy fellowship with each other. Activites are being planned for the kids and adults will have opportunities to play games and visit. I believe there is even a movie scheduled for this evening of fun. Take a look at your calendar and, if you are available, this would be a great opportunity for you to have some fun with class colleagues while the kids have a fun time as well. February 26, 2010 6:00 p.m.--10:00 p.m.

Please don't hesitate to contact me by phone or e-mail if I can help you in any way or if you need someone to pray with you or for you this week.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stepping Stones for Others--February 7, 2010

Today, in Sunday School, we watched the second half of The Truth Project--Lesson 6--History: Whose Story? The presentation reminded us of God's directive to His people to "REMEMBER"--Memorial Stones described in Joshua 4:1-7, Tassels referenced in Numbers 15: 38-39 and Deuteronomy 22:12, and the Feasts commissioned by God--Exodus 12:24-27, Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:4-12, and finally, the admonishment in Deuteronomy 8:10-20 to "Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God."

Yet, as the DVD mentioned and we discussed in class, we are in the midst of a "Famine of Truth" in our culture and society. Rather than quote the historical writings of the Mayflower Compact with references to God and dependence on spiritual leadership, politically correct versions are often included in textbooks and in our classroom presentations across America that actually delete all references to God and to our forefather's commitment to spiritual principles. What a shame when facts that include the role God played in the lives and cultures of historic men and women are deliberately left out of modern curriculum and contemporary discussion so that those who have different beliefs and opinions will not be offended by the references to an all-powerful, all-knowing God of the Universe. We discussed the role that our legal system, the courts, the legislature, the education system, and academia have played in this "famine of truth" that has enveloped our lives.

Even so, there is still hope because we know that God is still in control. As we think about the story referenced today in the DVD presentation of Ahab and Jehosophat in 1 Kings 22: 28-34, it is easy to recognize the power of God and His sovereign rule. Even though Ahab was not dressed as a king and even though he took steps to ensure his own safety in battle, a random arrow fired into the air not only found Ahab, but also found the very small space between his armor that allowed the arrow to pierce his body and his vital organs resulting in his death just as God's prophet predicted. Yes, the sovereign hand of God was in control on that day and He is still in control today.

Dr. Tackett made reference to another common condition found among people today. He described the condition as "natural myopia." He was referring to a condition in which God's people and others lose sight of the larger story of God. He made the point that people who were caught up in the grand story of God have been willing through the years to make sacrifices and commitments that allowed them to be steppings stones to others in the performance of a great work. He used the Pilgrims as an example of a group of people who faced extreme hardship and attrition of their ranks through death. Yet, because they saw their role in history as one directed by God, they refused to give up and refused to leave the land they claimed as their new home. Dr. Tackett stated, "People who are caught up in their own little story will never be willing to lay themselves down as stepping stones for others." Lord, I pray that you will give each of us the ability to focus on your grand story and to be willing and ready to lay ourselves down as stepping stones for your great plan. Help me not to be handicapped by Jimmy Myopia and help me to recognize your plan in my life and in the lives of those around me. Finally, help me to be willing and able to do whatever you ask me to do to contribute to your plan. Help me to understand and recognize that your plan will be accomplished. As Mordecai said to Esther (Esther 4:14), "For if you remain silent at this time, relief will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish." Whether I contribute or not, the great plan of God will be accomplished. Give me the strength and courage to do my part, to accept the role you have given me, no matter how modest or how small. Let me become a stepping stone. Amen!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Today, I passed out copies of the church Sunday School Curriculum that is available to us. I asked the class to review the curriculum offerings and to provide feedback regarding the curriculum you would like to use when we finish The Truth Project. We still have some time remaining on The Truth Project. However, now is the time to begin considering our next area of study. There appeared to be some interest in the study based on the book written by Lee Strobel, "The Case for Christ." I will communicate with Karen about our interest in this study. In addition, we will be doing some research on a couple of other offerings that were mentioned by class members. If you have any preference or would like to have input on our future curriculum offerings, please send me an e-mail at or you can just make a comment in response to this blog.

NEXT SUNDAY: We will be hosting a "Diaper Shower" for Natalie and Kyle Halbert. Please bring a breakfast dish and diapers size two and up. The newest additon to the Halbert family will be arriving soon and we want to be sure they are stocked up on diapers. Kyle will be changing a lot of diapers. This event will not only give us an opportunity to support Kyle and Natalie but will also provide a rare opportunity for us to visit with each other and learn more about our families and personal lives.

NEXT UP ON THE TRUTH PROJECT: When we return to The Truth Project, probably in two weeks, we will be taking up the issue of Sociology and how it relates to God.

Thank you for your prayers for my dad and mom. I can't tell you how comforting to know that there are others praying for my family. No matter what happens, I know that God is hearing our prayers and I know that He is in control.

If I can help you in any way this week, please don't hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at the e-mail above or at home: 979-695-1684 or cell: 979-229-6606.

PRAYER REQUESTS (This is a copy of the e-mail sent out by Tracey)
Prayer Requests:

Creel- Please continue to pray for Jimmy's dad who is in the hospital and his mom who is caring for him. His dad is having to do dialysis and is in pain.

Scasta- Please continue to pray for Craig's grandmother who is getting more frail. She had another fall already but was not injured.

Endriola- Please remember Sara's friends who live in Virginia. They are having the worst winter weather in recent memory.

Please pray for the "famine of truth" occurring in our country that we learned about in class today.

Class Events:

Remember the breakfast and diaper shower honoring the Halberts next Sunday during class time. Please bring diapers in size 2 or above and maybe some donuts, but leave your porridge at home!

Have a great week!

Monday, February 1, 2010

January 31--History points to God

This week, we continued our study of The Truth Project. We began a new discussion this week as we examined the ways that history really is "His Story". Dr. Tackett illustrated how what we know influences our present beliefs. He flashed the numeral one on the screen and asked the class to identify what they saw. Obviously, it was the numeral one. However, he pointed out that our recognition of this symbol for the quantity "one" was based on something we learned at a much younger age. He also pointed out how historic events could change what we believe. Dr. Tackett pointed out that the numbers 911 were usually viewed as "nine hundred and eleven" when most of us were young children. However, in recent years, the numbers "911" have come to represent an emergency call number. Since September 11, 2001, these numbers have even taken on another meaning in our society. This illustration shows clearly how history can and does impact our current beliefs.

Such an illustration helps us to understand why history is important and why there continues to be an effort to revise history. We see it happening even today. References to God are purposefully redacted from historical documents, efforts are made to take the reference to God out of the pledge of allegiance, and out of textbooks even though our forefathers were Godly men who tried to build a nation where men and women could worship God without persecution and fear.

The next two paragraphs are quoted from The Truth Project website. The website describes this study of history better than I ever could:

Dr. Tackett's key scripture passage for this discussion is Isaiah 46:9-11: "Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done … Indeed, I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass … " Two major thoughts arise from these verses. First, God is sovereign, or absolutely in control. History is in the most literal sense His story. Nothing happens at random or by chance. The hairs of our heads are numbered, and the details of our lives are threads in the great tapestry of His overarching providential plan. Second, we as human beings cannot understand our place in the world without cultivating a vision of ourselves as part of this larger story. This is why the Bible contains so many exhortations to "remember" what God has done in the past, whether through the device of "memorial stones," annual festivals, tassels, phylacteries, or the discipline of hiding His Word in our hearts. If we do not remember, we run the risk of becoming myopic, proud, self-sufficient, and eventually incurring our own destruction (see Deuteronomy 8) – not necessarily physical destruction, but rather a complete loss of identity, purpose, and meaning, or what Amos refers to as a "famine of hearing the Word of the Lord" (Amos 8:11).

Here too we come face to face with the implications of man's fallen nature and encounter yet another manifestation of the Cosmic Battle. Man resists the idea of a sovereign God. He wants to control his own destiny, live inside his own "little story," and free himself from all connections with or references to an all-inclusive divine plan. Thus he devises ways to propagate the "pernicious lie" of self-determination ("I am my own god," or "I believe in myself") by taking the larger story of history into his own hands and turning it into a powerful tool for the manipulation of other people and the accomplishment of his own selfish purposes. Historical revisionism, or the agenda-driven re-writing of history, operates on the basis of the premise, "If I can change your historical context, I can determine the way you view the present." This strategy is consistent with George Orwell's observation that "He who controls the past controls the future" and Karl Marx's dictum, "A people without a heritage are easily persuaded."

I hope you will join us next Sunday as we look at the second half of The Truth Project Lesson Six. We will be continuing our discussion of how history influences our belief and how history points toward the all powerful, all knowing God of the universe. I shall look forward to seeing you Sunday.